Saturday, September 13, 2008

I'm Done!!!

I am so excited!! I found a new job. I have been at the job I am now for two years now. I don't like it anymore. I am so happy I am leaving. I get to try something new.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Thomas Kinkade

I went to a Thomas Kinkade art gallery yesterday. I had so much fun. I would have stayed there all day. He has beautiful paintings. I saw these new ones I had not seen before. They reminded me of Utah. There is just somthing about mountains that is so beautiful. Anyway I thought I would share that.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


FAITH is not believing God can, it's knowing that he WILL.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Kylee Jo update

So Kylee started her new job last night. She was so excited. I am very happy for her. She is working at a place called Hartland Pizza. She is a sort of a line chef. She will be preparing salads, subs, and appetizers for the customers. Since she is only 16 this is all she is allowed to do food wise. But I am pretty sure she will be helping with other aspects in the kitchen. Congrats to her.

Jazz and Savvy

I love my cats. I never thought I would say that. LOL. See growing up I had dogs. But when I moved out of my parent house, the apartments I lived in didn't allow dogs. So going from having dogs to having no dogs was really strange. I missed it. So I got a cats. Savvy was the first one I got. She is such a sweetheart. She is a tortishell and has one white whisker. My other cat is I named my cats after movies. Savvyjack from Pirates of the Caribbean, and Jazz after a character in Transformers. Anyway Jazz is so cute. He is all white and has one blue eye and one brown eye. He is my bedbug. He sleeps by me every night. Eventually I will get dogs again. That is when I get a house. But while I live in an apartment. Cats it is.


Dreams are accomplished when the dread of staying the same is greater than the dread of change.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Corgi's

Now I will probably have more blogs and pictures of the corgis in the future. But this will do for now. I LOVE these dogs! They are smart and very lovable. Once you have one you are hooked. I never knew what a corgi was until I moved to Michigan. My mom shows them. She breeds them also. I love it when she has puppies. They are so dang cute when they are little. They are tiny little fluffballs. Like I said you get hooked.

Theresa Jo Kofford Goodrich

This is my birth mother Terri. She passed away in 1997, when I was 11. She had and has such a beautiful spirit. She always thought and cared for others. She loved to laugh. I remember doing things with her all the time such as going shopping or baking cookies for a nearby neighbor. I miss her. I know she is watching over my family and I each and everyday.

My Family

I am not quite sure how this works quite yet, so I am starting with this. This is my family. I love them with all my heart. I would do anything for them. They have done so much for me I wouldn't even know where to start. My parents set such an awesome example for me. My brother and sister keep me grounded. And lift me up when I need it most.